Open Autism

Promoting Open Source Software for Autism

We at Open Autism are dedicated to the development of open source applications for use by people diagnosed with autism and other impairments. We believe that all resources should be free to those who are diagnosed with no strings attached.

There are multiple tools and other Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) solutions available to those diagnosed with autism. Many of these are either purchasable apps or require in-app purchases. Additionally, all of the images used in these tools are proprietary to each application and are not editable. We at Open Autism believe that these tools should be free and non-proprietary for all people diagnosed with autism.

While there are other groups that support and develop Open Source AAC tools for all users, we at Open Autism are dedicated to the development of applications specifically tailored to the needs of Autistic users, therapists, and families. This is because the education systems needed to teach Autistic users and those with other learning disabilities differs than those who have no learning restrictions other than communication difficulties. Our goal is to develop systems specifically geared towards the learning needs of autistic users.

Our Mission

Open Autism is looking to drive open source development to assist those diagnosed with Autism and other communicative learning disabilities..