How to Help

If you have questions or are not sure how to help, email and we would gladly talk with you about how to get involved.

If you’re not sure how to help, spread the word! If you know anyone who falls into the categories below, please ask them to participate. We need people of all skill levels to be able to make some of the ideas possible.

Individuals & Families

Review the Available Tools page and talk to your therapists about integrating some of these tools into your individuals therapy plan. The more awareness and users we get out of these tools, the more development will occur.

Participate yourself, as an individual or family member, your feedback is extremely important. You can participate in the process by helping to write or review help documents as well as helping our developers test their new features.

Therapists & Support Professionals

Review the Available Tools page and incorporate them into your therapy plans wherever possible.

Participate yourself, as a therapist, your feedback is extremely important. You may be looking for features that aren’t available yet, even in proprietary software, but until we’re made aware, we cannot help. You can participate in the process by helping to write or review help documents as well as helping our developers test their new features.

Developers, Illustrators/Designers, & other IT Professionals

Review the Available Tools page and check out the repos listed. Many of these projects need help in many different ways.


Incorporate & Publish any of your code developed for your research to be integrated to other projects. The best license to use is the GPL License as it allows distribution, but also requires derivative uses to be licensed as the same allowing for the continuation of Open Source and Open Use of developed tools.